Well, it has not felt like Vermont lately, but then neither has the Pacific Northwest felt like the Northwest. Comparatively, we are lucky, and as I write, it is pouring and the temperature inside has dropped from a steamy 86 degrees to a blissful 78 degrees. We don’t tend to get long periods of unbearable heat and humidity here, but we know that it will be back. Mercifully, there is wine– especially sparkling, white and rosé. It is time for our 20 Under $20 summer list sharing some of our favorite summer sippers.You can find that on our website on Friday, July 2nd, by noon.
We’ve a long piece below about the newly-released Garagista wine, Blood Root Kindle, made with grapes grown on Round Mountain at Lilac Ridge Farm. Farmer and vigneron, Shabir Kamal, is beginning to see some positive returns for his hours of research, planting and tending his young vines. It is exciting to be part of that growth. His wine is available in the shop. Please scroll below for more on that wine.
What an incredible sense of community and celebration we have experienced since Vermont met the goal of at least 80% of those 12 and older receiving at least one dose of the COVID vaccine. On June 14th, Governor Scott convened his145th COVID-briefing in the 15 months since Vermont experienced its first case, and announced that all remaining statewide pandemic restrictions were lifted and the State of Emergency would expire the next day. I listened to Scott’s announcement and felt relief, trepidation, joy and pride.
Scott observed that,
Vermonters met this difficult moment from the start. You have cared for one another, you have followed the science, and you have put others first. You stuck together, even while we had to be physically separated. We have been united in our commitment our sense of duty and our care and respect for one another. The ingenuity, creativity and dedication of all Vermonters – to their friends and families, to their neighbors, and to their communities – has been incredible and we should all be very proud. I know I am.
Through it all, we have shown the nation – and much of the world – how to respond when there is no playbook, and how to do it with civility and respect. But this is no surprise to me and should be no surprise to anyone who knows anything about what it means to be a Vermonter. On the first day of the Battle in Gettysburg, General Sedgwick knew enough about our character and courage to send the order” “Put the Vermonters ahead.”
157 years later, we again showed that when the nation is in need of leadership and hope; when America needs to find its path forward to solve problems and help people; when in dark times, our country needs a state to light the way; Vermonters will always step forward and lead the charge.
I thank all of you for what you have done over the last year and a half and the work we will do together to recover stronger than ever before. We have still got a lot of work to do, so let’s keep moving Vermont Forward.
Scott’s words resonate for the what we have experienced as a business during that unexpected and unwelcome interruption. Our customer-friends continued to support us during the early phase of only curbside service. When the shop re-opened, masks were ubiquitous, distancing practiced and the occupancy limits were cheerfully obeyed with occasional lines outside. Civility and respect– yes, I am again proud to call Vermont home and to embrace you as our neighbors and friends who helped keep all of us safe.
Thank you is heartfelt. We look forward to seeing you again soon, and hearing your stories of reunion.